Web App Development

Web Application Development

We offer clients a broad range of web based software development services. We offer :

1. Front end development

2. Back end development

3. Saas based application

4. E-commerce solution

5. Marketplace solution

Mobile Application

Mobile Application Development

Android, iOS or cross platform we make high performing, smooth applications tailored to your business needs.

We offer :

1. Designing & prototyping of app

2. Native Development (Android & iOS)

3. Cross browser development (React Native, Flutter)

UI-UX Design

UI-UX Design

We are committed to delivering high quality UI/UX design and help you design your perfect site - the way you want it to be.

We follow the following steps :

1. Prototyping

2. Information Architecture Design

3. User Experience Development

4. User Interface Design

5. Wireframing

6. Usability Testing

Staffing Solutions

Staffing Service & Virtual Team Management

We offer both virtual and in person staffing - be it IT, UI/UX, Finance, HR, Administration or customer support. Save your HR costs.

We provide :

1. Customer support team (Different language can be provided)

2. Website admin support team

3. Assistant support

4. Programmer for different language

5. App developer

6. Data entry team

7. Server Administrator


Boost Your Online Visibility with UMR Labs's Premier SEO Services

Do you need help to be spotted among the other websites on the Internet? Look no further! Want to boost your online presence? Contact UMR Labs for top-quality SEO services and transform your digital company.

Have you heard that 93% of all online experiences usually start with a search engine? Yes, most of such potential customers use search engines in their search for your products/services.

However, if your SEO needs to be more competent, your website shall be placed at the bottom of the search engine results page. As a result, our strategy involves the use of on-page optimization, off-page techniques, and technical improvements for greater visibility and a better user experience.

That’s time… do not let competitors overtake you. Let’s collaborate with UMR Labs in order to ensure that your business is at the pinnacle of search engine visibility and beyond.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO techniques of UMR Labs will help you improve your site’s authority and online visibility. Our experts employ various methods to create high-value backlinks sourced from reputable sources that result in referral traffic and improve the reputation of the site.

We employ some of the most effective techniques like guest blogging, social media marketing, and influencer outreach in order to boost the trust in your website and industry. We can assure you that our system improves your search engine rankings.

On-page SEO

We enhance online visibility through comprehensive on-page SEO services. By optimizing meta tags, headers, and content structure, we ensure search engines accurately understand and rank your web pages.

We conduct keyword research to strategically integrate relevant terms, improving your site's visibility in search results. Our meticulous approach to on-page SEO guarantees increased digital exposure, driving more organic traffic to your website.

Technical SEO

Ensure your site is technically SEO optimized for efficient crawling and indexing by the search engines with help from UMR Labs. We analyze your website's:

> Backend structure

> Identify and fix issues

> Optimize page loading speed

> Enhance mobile responsiveness

> Implement schema markup

> Other technical optimizations

We work on your website to improve its technical attributes, which include better visibility in search engines and better user experiences. UMR Labs is a reputable SEO company that has proven results.

Steps We Follow to Ensure Guaranteed Ranking!

At UMR Labs, we follow a strategic method backed by data to provide proven SEO results.

In this case, Our process involves three key steps:

Comprehensive Website Analysis: The first step is evaluating the problems within your site. Such an assessment will look into the types of content in your niche. It includes the technical aspects, content layout, application of keywords, and link building.

Strategic Optimization: The information from the study is used for on-page optimizations such as keyword search, improving meta-tags, enhancing content, and structuring URLs. Additionally, we emphasize personalized off-page strategies that will take the game to the next level.

Continuous Monitoring and Analysis: We don’t just end there when we implement it at our workplace. Our monitoring and analysis of performance never ends. With research, we are constantly making improvements. You'll get regular performance reports and analytics monitoring. This way, your website will be at the peak of its performance and remain competitive.

We assure you of our thorough way with the UMR Labs to achieve quantified SEO outcomes. Let’s get your site even higher and create lasting free traffic! Call us for more information today.

Why UMR Lab's SEO Services?

We have a trained team of SEO experts with good knowledge about SEO. We are always up-to-date with new algorithms that guarantee your online sustainability.

Some reasons why you should choose us for your SEO needs:

Holistic Approach: This includes on-page and off-page optimization as well as technical optimization, resulting in an increased ranking and conversion strategy.

Customized Solutions: We know every company is different. Therefore, our SEO techniques match your aims, audience, and industry. Transparency: We believe in providing complete transparency to our clients. Therefore, You will have access to regular progress reports and a dedicated account manager for on-demand discussions.

Proven Results: Our past clients have witnessed significant improvements in their search engine rankings. They have got up to 80% more organic traffic and conversions after partnering with us. So, we are confident in our abilities to deliver exceptional outcomes for your business as well. Take advantage of the opportunity to strengthen your online presence and drive targeted traffic to your website. Let UMR Labs stay by your side for top-notch SEO services and unlock the true potential of your digital business.

Contact us today to get started!

Server Management

Server Management

We manage hosting and server for our client according to the project needs. We dont sell only hosting to our clients, but we give package service to our client and if any client wants server and hosting service, we provide that.

We use different data center for that those are most secure :

1. Singapore

2. USA

We manage hosting according to project needs that why we can execute the best possible service from a server that a commercial service provider sometimes failed to do so, cause they have to think all of their clients and we setup & manage thinking of one client.

For security, our server administrator monitor server performance, setup and backup as per agreement. We follow the international security steps to setup the server. As data centers are chosen from top country, so data always keep safe 99.99%.


Branding & Design

We provide branding and design services to our client as a one stop business service. Top quality design with customer satisfaction has increased our confidant to make a one stop service.

We provide :

1. Brand Guideline

2. Logo

3. Stationary design

4. Branding set design

5. Branding for Office interior (Local)

6. Design according to client needs.

Mass Mailing

Mass mailing service

We offer affordable mass mailing solutions to our users who want to send mass mail to their customers.

This is our own system, where we provide following service :

1. Mail Broadcasting

2. Dedicated Service

3. Campaign Management

4. Subscriber Management

5. Analytics

6. Automation

Business Consultancy

Business consultancy support

We focus on providing a combined set of professional services to all kind of business with our deep professional knowledge and practical expertise in the field of accounting, business process outsourcing (BPO), Taxation, Value Added Tax, Secretarial services and internal auditing for Bangladeshi clients.

We support :

1. Legal support

2. Company registration

3. Tax filling

4. VAT service

5. Foreign investment consultancy

Find the Solution That Best Fits Your Business